Yesterday         Tomorrow


GERMANY:     A huge fire destroys the Reichstag, the seat of German government. Marinus van der Lubbe, a Dutch Communist, is arrested after he is found bare to the waist inside the Reichstag. During interrogation, the young radical confesses that he set the fire "As a protest," but denies any connection with the Communist Party and swears he alone had set the fires inside the Reichstag.

     Rudolf Diels, chief of the Prussian political police, tells Hitler that van der Lubbe's confession rings true, but Hitler refuses to believe the arsonist had acted alone and blames the Communist movement as a whole for the troubles that continue to plague Germany. Hitler and Goebbels work from midnight to dawn at the "Vlkischer Beobachter"offices preparing the next day's edition, which accuses the Reds of a plot to seize power and setting fire to the Reichstag.  (Andy Etherington and Gene Hanson)

February 27th, 1939 (MONDAY)

UNITED KINGDOM: London. Britain recognizes Franco's regime in Spain. France also recognizes the regime.

POLAND: ORP Gryf commissioned.

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