Yesterday            Tomorrow

1936:     SWITZERLAND: In Geneva, Ethiopia again appeals to the League of Nations for aid against Italy.    

1938:     RUMANIA: Corneliu Codreanu, founder and leader of the anti-Semitic paramilitary Iron Guard, which proposes a Christian-Nationalist political system, is arrested by King Carol who feared his strong influence after his party gained 1.6 million votes in the 1937 election. He is shot shortly afterwards.  

April 7th, 1939 (FRIDAY)

GERMANY: Regarding Danzig, Germany reproaches Poland for responding to her offers with sabre rattling. "Poland had obviously not understood the offer. 

. . . The sort of reply which the Polish Government had given us to this offer was no basis for a settlement of the matter in question."

SPAIN: Madrid: Spain joins Italy, Hungary, Germany, Japan and Manchukuo in the anti-Comintern pact.

ALBANIA: In an effort to mimic German Chancellor Adolf Hitler's conquest of Prague, Czechoslovakia, Italian dictator Benito Mussolini"> Mussolini's troops, though badly organized, invade and occupy Albania. Although the invasion of Albania was intended as but a prelude to greater conquests in the Balkans, it proved a costly enterprise for Il Duce. Albania is already dependent on Italy's economy, so had little to offer the invaders. The Italians state that they invaded "for the reestablishment of peace, order, and justice." "Influential persons in Albania had requested Italian intervention on account of the unbearable situation created by King Zog."

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