Yesterday          Tomorrow

1936 (MONDAY)

SPAIN: Insurgent forces relieve the army garrison from a ten-week siege by Spanish Loyalists of the Alcazar fortress.


1937 (TUESDAY)

SWITZERLAND: The League of Nations Assembly condemns Japanese air raids on China.



UNITED KINGDOM: Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain proposes a conference of Czechoslovakia, France, Italy, and the U.K. with Germany stating, "I feel certain that you can get all essentials without war and without delay. . . . I feel convinced we could reach agreement in a week. . . . I cannot believe that you will take responsibility of starting a world war which may end civilization far the sake of a few days' delay in settling this long-standing problem." German Chancellor Adolf Hitler consents to wait 24 hours; this was advised by Italian Premier Benito Mussolini. Chancellor Hitler invites Chamberlain, Mussolini, and French Premier Edouard Daladier to come to Munich. Italy and Germany had arranged to hold a conference at Munich on 29 September for political and military collaboration but Premier Mussolini advised four-power conference.

September 28th, 1939 (THURSDAY)

GREAT BRITAIN: In a memo headed (BBC) 'Broadcasting House: Protection', house superintendent HL Chilman wrote to his superiors:

"If we are going to have a succession of bright moonlit nights this winter, might it not be worthwhile having a 'street' or two and perhaps 'cross roads' and an odd dummy shadow or two on the south end and west face of Broadcasting House? At 2am tonight the building shone beautifully." More (Scott Peterson)

POLAND: Modlin garrison surrenders after 18 day siege. With his water supply severed, General Wiktor Thomme surrenders his 24,000 troops, 4,000 of them wounded, to the German Third and Eighth Armies.

Polish resistance is nearly over throughout the country. German and Soviet troops meet at Brest-Litovsk, and together stage a military review. An agreement is signed delineating their common border lines in eastern Poland.

     Lithuania annexes the Vilna region of Poland.


U.S.S.R.:  GERMANY and the Soviet Union conclude a series of treaties at Moscow, redrawing the borders of their respective spheres of interest. Lithuania becomes under the Soviet sphere, while Germany receives a chunk of former Polish territory from the Soviets.

Under heavy Soviet pressure, Estonia concludes a treaty of mutual assistance with the Soviet Union. Under the treaty, the Red Army and Navy receive numerous bases in Estonia. The Soviet Union gives a promise that it won't interfere with the Estonian internal affairs.

TERRITORY OF HAWAII: The USN establishes the Hawaiian Detachment, US Fleet at Pearl Harbor

CANADA: The Minister of National Defence announces that the 1st Canadian Division will be sent overseas.

ATLANTIC OCEAN: U-22 spotted a British submarine at 2130hrs (Starship class). U-22 fired three torpedoes, but they all missed.
U-16 sank SS Nyland.
U-32 sank SS Jern.

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