Yesterday     Tomorrow

May 7th, 1940 (TUESDAY)


Westminster: Debate begins today and continues through tomorrow in the British House of Commons on the "Conduct of the War" especially in Norway. Chamberlain is unable to explain why time was wasted landing troops at Namsos and Åndalsnes rather than attacking Trondheim.

The pacifist George Lansbury, Labour Party leader from 1931 to 1935, died today aged 81. Lansbury had many critics but no enemies. He was the "Cockneys’ MP" for Bow and Bromley for 30 years and a former Mayor of the East End borough of Poplar. As first Commissioner for Works in the first Labour government in 1924 he introduced swings and sandpits for children in London parks. He resigned the leadership in 1935 after Ernest Bevin, the union leader, attacked him for "hawking his conscience" around the land when preaching against war and rearmament.

The first production Shorts Stirling flies from Rochester (N 3635).

Submarines HMS Trooper and Una laid down.

ASW trawler HMS Gavotte launched.

Destroyer ORP Piorun (ex-HMS Nerissa) launched.

NETHERLANDS: The mobilisation programme is completed.

GERMANY: Jodl’s diary: Fuhrer railroad train is scheduled to leave Finkenkrug at 16.38 hours. But weather remains uncertain and therefore the order [for the attack] is rescinded...Fuhrer greatly agitated about new postponement as there is danger of treachery. Talk of the Belgian Envoy to the Vatican with Brussels permits the deduction that treason has been committed by a German personality who left Berlin for Rome on April 29...

NORWEGIAN CAMPAIGN: HMS Glorious is anchored at Greenock taking on provisions, ordnance, stores, and supplies. HMS Furious remains in dockyard hands.

Off Narvik: HMS Ark Royal in position 70.17 N, 16.98 E, recovered the Walrus from Harstad at 0610. Per instructions, she implemented standing section fighter patrols over the Harstad area, the first patrols leaving 0800 and 0830. One of them later crashed on landing, the aircraft requiring a major overhaul. At the same time, two Swordfish were dispatched on a photo-reconnaissance mission in the Bogen area. After a period of inactivity due to poor weather, a further fighter patrol of two Skuas of 801 Squadron (Lt. T. E. Gray, RN) was dispatched at 1330 with another trio from 803 ( Lt. W. P. Lucy, RN). They clashed with two pairs of He-111s over Ofotfjord, claiming two probably downed, though in reality only one 8/KG 26 machine was damaged though it managed to make it back to Vaernes and make a crash landing.  One FAA pilot, Lt.(A) G. F. Russell of 803 was wounded by return fire.

 Reports placed German troop carrying aircraft in the area, so two further fighter patrols were dispatched at 1700 and 1900, but nothing was sighted. Finally, the days activity was ended when the Walrus was dispatched to Harstad to be transferred to HMS Effingham.

U.S.S.R.: Aeroflot opens a new ‘internal’ air route between Moscow and L’vov (Lwow) in occupied Poland.

U.S.A.: President Franklin D. Roosevelt orders the U.S. Fleet to remain in the Territory of Hawaii indefinitely as a deterrent to the Japanese.

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