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October 30th, 1940 (WEDNESDAY)

UNITED KINGDOM: Battle of Britain: The weather is bad on this day with low clouds and continuous drizzle in all areas of the U.K. Luftwaffe raids during the day are on a small scale and little serious damage is reported. A few bombs are dropped on the outskirts of South East London, but Kent and Sussex have been the chief victims of the Germans, especially the former county. The Farington Steelworks in Lancashire also receives a visit, whilst the Armstrong-Siddeley and Humber Works in Coventry are both machine-gunned. During the evening the Luftwaffe concentrates on London, but a few minor raids are reported from the Midlands. There is, however, very little activity and London receives the "All Clear" signal at 0337 hours. RAF Fighter Command claims 9-8-7 Luftwaffe aircraft; the RAF loses five aircraft with four pilots killed or missing.

Unsuccessful attempt to penetrate to London by day.

George Crosses gazetted today:

Lt Robert Selby Armitage (1910-82), RNVR, did very dangerous work in September and October, once tackling a mine in a tree with no chance of escape if the fuse was activated.

Maj. Herbert John Leslie Barefoot (1887-1958), Royal Engineers, showed great courage as a bomb-disposal pioneer during September and October.

Flt-Lt Wilson Hodgson Charlton (1907-53) dealt with over 200 unexploded bombs while on bomb disposal duty during September and October.

Sub-Lt William Horace Taylor (b. 1908), RNVR, showed great gallantry in mine disposal throughout September and October, in particular regarding an operation at RAF Uxbridge in Middlesex.

Losses: Luftwaffe, 8; RAF, 5.
The weather was bad on this day with low clouds and continuous drizzle in all areas of the UK. The first Luftwaffe aircraft were picked up on radar at 1130 hours local. At 1200 hours, 80 Luftwaffe aircraft flew into the Thames Estuary and at 1215 hours, 2 waves of 50 and 60 aircraft entered British airspace at Dymchurch. Six of the 10 RAF fighter squadrons on patrol sighted the German and attacked. The next raid consisting of about 130 Luftwaffe fighters crossed the coast at about 1615 hours and some reached London. The RAF shot down 8 aircraft and the Luftwaffe shot down 5. 

The first night raiders crossed the coast soon after dark but the weather was bad and all were gone by 2400 hours.

Destroyers HMS Norman, Heythorp, Marne, Nonpareil launched.

ORP Kujawiak is launched.


NORTH SEA: WW1 vintage destroyer HMS Sturdy, local Western Approaches escort for Halifax/UK convoy SC8, runs aground off the west coast of Scotland on Tiree Island. She is a total loss and there are 3 casualties.


FRANCE: VICHY FRANCE: Marshal Petain has called upon the French people to collaborate with Germany. This represents a major change from the originally announced purpose of Petain's government, which sought peace with Germany, not alliance, and results from Laval and Petain's meetings with Hitler at Montoire.


U-591, U-592 laid down.

U-67 launched.

U-146 commissioned.

GIBRALTAR: An Italian attempt to attack British shipping in the harbour with "human torpedoes", fails.


GREECE: Italy bombs Patras five times.

CRETE: To support the Greek government, the British send an expeditionary force to Crete and other Greek islands. In addition, the Soviet government sends 134 fighter aircraft to the Greeks to help stem the Italian invasion.

AUSTRALIA: Destroyer HMAS Arunta launched.

U.S.A.: Washington: President Roosevelt, fighting off a surge by his Republican opponent in the Presidential election, promised in Boston last night: "I shall say it again and again: your boys are not going to be sent into any foreign wars."

As polls showed Wendell Wilkie, the Republican candidate, cutting into his lead, the President has stressed his reluctance to lead America into war. A week ago in Philadelphia he attacked the "fantastic misstatement" that he had made secret alliances. Wilkie has cut Roosevelt's lead in the polls to four points.

ATLANTIC OCEAN: Destroyers HMS Harvester and HMS Highlander sink U-32 northwest of Ireland at 55.37N, 12.19W during a convoy attack. They use depth charges. There are 9 dead and 33 survivors.


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