Yesterday      Tomorrow

December 23rd, 1940 (MONDAY)

Anthony Eden replaces Lord Halifax as Foreign Secretary; Halifax becomes ambassador to the USA. Captain David Margesson, Chief Whip in the Baldwin and Chamberlain governments, becomes War Minister. Thus Churchill has balanced a promotion of an old friend with the advancement of an old foe who had a hand in attempts to get Churchill and Eden dislodged from their constituencies.

The Archbishops of Canterbury (Cosmo Gordon Lang) and of York and Cardinal Hinsley, Archbishop of Westminster, with Walter Armstrong, the Moderator of the Free Church Federated Council, have drawn up a letter to the Times, containing five standards calculated to guide statesmen in solving post-war social and economic issues. The fifth point states:
The sense of a divine vocation must be restored to man's daily work; resources of the earth should be used as God's gifts to the whole human race and used with due consideration for the needs of the present and future generations.

London: Churchill assures the Australian Prime Minister, Robert Menzies, that Australia has a higher defence priority than the Mediterranean.
He then broadcasts to the Italian people blaming the war between the British Empire and Italy on Mussolini and warning them of calling in "Attila over the Brenner Pass with his hordes of ravenous soldiers and his gangs of Gestapo policemen..."

". . . one man (Mussolini) and one man alone has ranged the Italian people in deadly struggle against the British Empire and has deprived Italy of the sympathy and intimacy of the United States of America. That he is a great man I do not deny. But that after 18 years of unbridled power he has led your country to the horrid. verge of ruin-that can be denied by none. It is all one man-one man, who, against the crown and royal. family of Italy, against the Pope and all the authority of the Vatican and of the Roman Catholic Church, against the wishes of the Italian people who had no lust for this war; one man has arrayed the trustees and inheritors of ancient Rome upon the side of the ferocious pagan barbarians. There lies the tragedy of Italian history and there stands the criminal who has wrought the deed of folly and of shame."


Corvette HMS Aubretia commissioned

Minesweeping trawler HMS Hamlet commissioned.

FRANCE: Jacques Bonsergeant, a 28-year-old engineer who had a fight with a German sergeant, is the first Frenchman to be executed by the Nazis in Paris. 

Individual Frenchmen were laying wreaths at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, and groups of Parisians gathered in the streets to remember the dead of both wars. In the afternoon, the Germans had begun to disperse the groups, and 123 arrests were made, among them 90 schoolchildren. In the scuffles, four people were hurt. One of those arrested was Bonsergeant, a civil engineer. He was visiting Paris for the wedding of a friend and was caught up inadvertently in the 'demonstration'. He was jostled by German soldiers and arrested.

Augsburg: The Messerschmitt 261 V1 twin-engine, long-range aircraft makes its maiden flight. The aircraft has a range of 6,800 miles, and was originally designed to fly non-stop from Berlin to Tokyo to carry the Olympic Torch for the 1940 Games.

Daily Keynote speech from the Reich Press Chief
Once again the British have dropped 5 bombs on Zurich. The Minister emphatically reminds us of his earlier instructions not to praise Switzerland for the furious remarks of the Swiss press regarding the British attacks. It is not in our interests to show gratitude for any protests that Switzerland might happen to make.

U-558 launched

U-553 commissioned.

The advancing Greeks capture the town of Himara on the Adriatic Sea.

MEDITERRANEAN SEA: The 625-ton Italian torpedo boat R.N. Fratelli Cairoli sinks 4 miles (6,4 kilometers) north of Misurata, Libya, after hitting a mine laid by the British submarine HMS/M Rorqual (N 74).

The Reuters News Agency reports:
A communiqué from Air Marshal Brooke Popham, the British Commander-in-Chief in the Far East, states that recently large transports of troops from every branch of service have arrived in the Malayan states. This has reinforced the already massive defences of Singapore and also the fighting power of the other sections of Far East Command.

AUSTRALIA: Minesweeper HMAS Launceston laid down.

U.S.A.: The National Guard's 35th Division, consisting of units from Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska, is inducted into Federal service.

     A conference of industry and labor officials agrees that there would be no strikes or lockouts in war industries while World War II continued.

     Admiral William D. Leahy (USN, Retired), newly appointed Ambassador to Vichy France, accompanied by his wife Louise, embarks in heavy cruiser USS Tuscaloosa (CA-37) at Norfolk, Virginia, for the transatlantic passage to take up his diplomatic post "at a very critical time in the relations between the United States and France." Destroyers USS Madison (DD-425) and Upshur (DD-144) escort Tuscaloosa on the initial stage of her voyage.

Submarine USS Grampus launched.

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