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January 18th, 1944 (TUESDAY)

UNITED KINGDOM: The first batch of 600 young recruits to the mines, known as the "Bevin Boys" after the Labour minister, Ernest Bevin, began training today. Their names were picked by ballot on 14 December and they are now under training by experienced miners. Those who have been taken down below said it was not as bad as they expected. They are being paid a weekly wage of £2/10/6. They say that after deductions have been made for hostel lodgings, meals, laundry, insurance and transport to the pit, they are left with only 3/6 a week "pocket money".

Rescue tugs HMS Cheerly and Sesame commissioned.

Minesweeper HMS Lennox commissioned.

Frigate HMS Torrington commissioned.

Destroyer HMS Urania commissioned.

GERMANY: U-1007 commissioned.

BURMA: Lt Alec George Horwood (b.1914), Queen's Royal Regt., braved constant danger as a forward observer and died in an attack he volunteered to lead. (Victoria Cross)


Destroyer escort USS Oberrender launched.

Escort carrier USS Kadashan Bay commissioned.

Destroyer escort USS Holder commissioned.

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