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November 16th, 1945

UNITED KINGDOM: Wallsend on the Tyne: HMS Superb, an 11,000 ton cruiser, is launched from the Swan Hunter shipyard.

London: The United Nationa Cultural and Educational Organisation (UNESCO)  is founded. 

GERMANY: Under the code name "Westward Ho" 202 paintings leave Germany despite the protests of the US Monuments, Fine Arts, and Archives (MFAandA) branch. (Peter Kilduff)(205 p.58)

JAPAN: Several remnant politicians of the old, prewar Minsei-to (Public Welfare Party) organize the Nihon Shinpo-to (Japan Moderate Progressive Party). A throwback to the old koku system of acquiring social station by achieving wealth, the Nihon Shinpo-to decided to elect as president the first member who could come up with three million yen ($1.5 million) in needed campaign funds. One of Kakuei Tanaka construction company advisors, Tadao Oasa, asked him to give the money to his friend, Chuji Machida, who was in a tight race with the former Tosei-ha military general, Kazushige Ugaki. Tanaka honoured the request and Machida won the party post. In return, Machida and Oasa's Nihon Shimpo-to Party told Tanaka that if he would give them 150,000 Yen ($78,000) to then and follow their directives, they could get him elected. (Mike Lenox)


Corvette HMCS Merrittonia sold to KC Irving Ltd, Moncton, New Brunswick.

Corvette HMCS Fergus sold and renamed Camco II.

Corvette HMCS Fredericton sold and renamed Tra Los Montes.

Frigates HMCS Sussexvale and Buckingham paid off Sydney , Nova Scotia and laid up Shelburne , Nova Scotia

Corvette HMCS Leaside paid off Esquimalt, British Columbia.

Minesweeper HMCS Kalamalka paid off.

U.S.A.: Yeshiva College (University), chartered in NY, first US Jewish College.

The discovery of americium and curium is announced. 

"Casper the Friendly Ghost" is released by Famous Studios.

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