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12.16am. Caen Canal: Six British army gliders land to secure vital bridges.

1.30am. Normandy: The German army raises the invasion alert.

2.40am. FRANCE: As British paratroopers drop east of the Orne river, and US "floating headquarters" anchor off Utah and Omaha Beaches, von Rundstedt decides that the Allied landings are a feint to cover the real invasion force about to land near Calais.

5.00am. Berchtesgaden: News of the Allied invasion reaches Hitler's headquarters, but no one wants to wake him from his drugged sleep.

5.30am. Normandy: The British naval bombardment begins.

06.30am. Normandy: Louis H, Nye Jr., leads a squad of 12 Combat Engineers attached to the 5th Engineer Special Brigade, Omaha Beach, Easy-Red.

6.31am. Normandy: US infantry land on Utah Beach, a mile south of their target. Landings are also under way on Omaha Beach.

7.25am. Normandy: British forces land on Sword and Gold Beaches.

7.35am. Normandy: Canadian infantry land on Juno Beach, ten minutes late.

9.00am. Berchtesgaden: Hitler is woken and immediately calls a military conference.

12 noon. Klessheim, GERMANY: Hitler holds an ebullient situation conference.

4.00pm. La Roche Guyon: Rommel arrives back at his headquarters, having driven all the way back from Germany since 6am.

4.55pm. Berchtesgaden: Hitler orders the Allied bridgehead "annihilated by the evening of 6 June."

6.50pm. Bletchley Park: British codebreakers discover that the Germans expect further landings but have no idea where they will be.

8.55pm. Normandy: Fighting dies down along the entire front.

11.00pm. Hitler holds his second situation conference of the day. He remains convinced that the landings are just a diversionary attack.

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